
I’ve never conducted an interview but I have been in one job interview. They just asked me questions about why I wanted the job and my personality. The boss already knew well enough. We’ll do something with an interview, we just want to make it as artsy as possible with the movie presentation.

Group 4 Project

For our 4th project, Marco and I can do Photoshop. Now, I’ve been working with photoshop for the past year. I’ve taking Computer Graphics classes and photography classes here, I’m in AP Photography now. So I use Photoshop and Lightroom a lot. I have Photoshop on my computer so we can easily work on projects in class. I can teach Marco how to use it too. We can make advertisement for Help Desk or take photos of the Help Desk to put on the website to promote it.

Wearable Technology

Wearable technology has been the future for a very long time, but in recent years, it has become the present. With Google’s Google Glass, Motorola’s Moto 360 and Apple’s Apple Watch, wearable technology has exploded. According to, even though the industry is a new one, wearables like smartwatches won’t replace dedicated activity trackers. According to this article, Apple sold around 7,5 million Apple Watches in two quarters, while Fitbit sold about 9.2 million fitness trackers in the same two quarters. More people are wearing smartwatches and other wearables everywhere. It’s becoming very trendy to wear a piece of tech in 2016 and I believe that it will continue to ride, however for right now it won’t be destroying fitness tracking companies.

